Tuesday, December 23, 2008

In Memory of Jill..................

I am so sad to write that Jill passed away last night. She was surrounded by her family, Steven and his family, hospice workers, and friends from high school.
A 4.0 Student, chosen as 1 of 100 outstanding high school kids in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Jill was loved, respected, and admired by everyone who knew her.
Please send prayers to all who loved her. This is a very sad time for our family.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Busy Saturday

Wow! It's the Saturday before Christmas and all through my house I am scampering around cleaning and picking up the big chunks. LOL

I want to get my house cleaned today because my sister arrives tomorrow and my Mom next Tuesday. It will take the pressure off if I get organized.

I talked to a friend of mine this morning. She told me she woke up this morning with a desire to go to the mall and walk around. Her shopping is done but she loves the hectic pace at the mall and likes to watch people as they try to finish their shopping. My reaction, "You're nuts!" LOL

I haven't been inside the mall since before Thanksgiving. The closest I got was going to Target which is across the street. Thank God for online shopping! I do not like being in crowds especially crowds of people with glazed over eyes, frantically looking for just the right thing for Uncle Bob. The pushing, frantic pace is too much for me. I will admit, most people are more friendly this time of year but I'll pass up the chance to say, "Excuse me, please." to a stranger as I push toward the long check out line.

I probably sound Bah Humbug and cranky but I'm not really. I'm excited about Christmas and spending time with my family, especially my grandchildren.

I am finished shopping early because this year we are only buying gifts for our grandchildren. It looks pretty bare under the tree compared to most years. I have struggled to make it OK to limit my spending and to cut back. I felt guilty and uneasy for awhile but this morning, I read the weekend devotional by Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship. I'd like to share part of it with you:

'That is what happens when we lose focus of the real meaning of Christmas, isn't it? We get so caught up in the busyness of the season that sometimes we forget the wonder of it all: that deity took on humanity, that God became a man.Scripture sums it up well in 2 Corinthians 8:9, which says, "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich" (NKJV). Jesus literally went from the throne of heaven to a simple little cave or stable.

Can you imagine what must have gone through Mary's mind that day when the angel Gabriel appeared to her and told her she would be the mother of the Messiah? Her head must have been swimming. "What about Joseph? What are people going to say?"

But God had it all put together, because the time was just right in every way.There was one small detail: the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem, as Scripture prophesied (see Micah 5:2). But Mary and her husband-to-be Joseph lived in Nazareth. So the Lord touched a little man ( Caeser) who was big in his own mind.................................This Jesus who was born in a manger, who walked this earth, who was crucified, and who rose again, is not some mere historical figure, although He was that. He is alive, and He is still in the business of changing lives.That is the reason He came: to put us in touch with God, to forgive us of all of our sins, and to give our lives purpose and meaning. "

All I can say is "Amen".

May God richly bless your Christmas season and may he bless your new year with happiness and good health.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

This is a picture of my cousin's son, Steven and his girl friend, Jill. It was taken in May of this year as they were leaving for their Prom. Jill had finished a round of chemo for Ewings Sarcoma, a cancer that effected her spine. Her hair was just growing back. She had a short remission and then the cancer was back. She was accepted into an experimental program at Children's Hospital in Denver, Colorado but her cancer was too advanced and they could not help her. We got word today that she has between 4 - 6 weeks to live.
Her family is asking for prayers for her, her friends, and family as they face this tragic time. Jill is 17 years old and a senior in high school this year. She is facing this, like everything else in her life, with grace, courage and faith.
Please, if you can, say a little prayer for her. Thank you.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sew What?

I've been busy sewing pillow cases for my grandchildren and their cousins. I finished today.

I hope they like them.

Andrew and Nathan's have Superman, Batman, and another super hero. I'm not hep to his name. LOL My friend, Felicia embroidered the names for me.

My next project is a pair of pajamas for Megan. She picked out the fabric this past summer and I still haven't made them for her. Hope to get it done for Christmas.

I made a set of baby blankets for a 2-1/2 year old little girl who just loves her baby dolls. Her mom gives her a wash cloth and towel to wrap them up in so I made one for a 14" doll, one for a tiny 4" doll and then a changing pad for the bigger baby doll. Wish I could be there when she opens the package on Christmas morning.

My Christmas shopping is nearly finished. I just need to get gift cards for my hair dresser, Kasey's groomer, and the gal that does my nails. I usually get gift cards to restaurants for them. I will probably do that again this year.

We are only buying gifts for our grandchildren this year. With the recession hitting our family members we all decided to skip the presents this year for the adults and make a special Christmas for the kids. To be honest, it's a big relief for all of us. My sister and I are going to buy a girl's bicycle and donate it to the Salvation Army for a needy child. We did the same thing for a little boy last year in memory of our Dad. As long as we can afford it, it will be a Christmas tradition.

We are going to celebrate the Saturday after Christmas so we have everyone for the entire day. No one has to hurry off to see other family so we can relax and take our time having a great meal and watching the kids open gifts.